A Network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together.

Network is a collection of computers and devices connected by communication channels that allow users to share data, information, software and hardware with other users.

Advantages of networking:-

The following advantages of computer networking are:-

  1. Communication:-

In through network one user can communicate another user, so this way they share and serve each other’s data and many more. Network is best way to communication any user to other users.

  1. Hardware Sharing:-

In a networked environment, each computer on a network can access and use hardware. In network when two or more computer communicate each other and use one printer, in this way we share hardware.

  • Data and Information Sharing:-

In network any authorize user can use a computer on a network to access data and information stored on other computers in a network. The capability of providing access to and storage of data and information on shared storage device is an important feature of network.

Types of Networks:-

There are Mainly 3 types of networks; LAN, MAN and WAN which are used by individual, business houses and organizations. Since each business and organization has its own needs, each network is unique.

The size of a network often determines which type of network a business or organization should use. Networks of different sizes transmit data in different ways.



  1. LAN (Local Area Network):-

A computer network that physically links two or more computers within a geographically limited area such as a building or a group of buildings. LAN is a group of computers located in the same room, on the same floor, or in the same building that are connected to form a single computer network. LAN’s allow users to share storage devices, printers, applications, data and others network recourses. They are limited to a specific geographical area, usually less than one kilometre in diameter.

  1. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):-

Man is a high speed network that can carry voice, data, and images at up to 200 Mbps (Megabit per Second) or faster over distances of up to 75 km ranging from several blocks of buildings to entire cities. MAN is a network that is utilized across multiple buildings. A MAN is much larger than the standard LAN but is not as large as a WAN and commonly is used in school campuses, large universities and large companies with multiple buildings.

  1. WAN (Wide Area Network):-

WAN’s are used across the globe, many networks connect with one another across continents to create one giant wide area networks. WAN’s are used to connect LAN’s and other types of networks together, so that users and computers in one location  can communicate with users and computers in other locations.

By Mahesh

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