Major Developments of Computer from 1937-2006:-


  • 1937:-

Dr. John and C.Berry designed and built the 1st electronic digital computer. Their machine provides the foundation of advances in electronic digital computers.

  • 1943:-

During World War II, British scientist Alan Turing designs the Colossus, an electronic computer created for the military to break German codes. The computer’s existence is kept secret until the 1970’s.

  • 1943:-

Dr. John W. Meuchly and J. Presper Eckert, completed work on the 1st large scale electronic general purpose digital computer. The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) weights 30 tons, contains 18000 vacuum tubes, occupies a thirty-by-fifty-foot space, and consumes 160 kilowatts of power.

  • 1945:-

Dr. John von Neumann writes a brilliant paper describing the stored program concept. His breakthrough idea, where memory holds both data and stored programs, lays the foundation for all digital computers that have since been built.

  • 1951:-

The 1st commercially available electronic digital computer, the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer), is introduced by Remington Rand.

  • 1953:-

The IBM model 650 is one of the first widely used computer systems. Originally planning to produces only 50 machines, the system is so successful that eventually IBM manufactures more than 1000.

  • 1957:-

FORTRAN (Formula Translation), an efficient, easy to use programming language, is introduced by John Backus.

  • 1958:-

Jack Kiby of Texas Instruments invents the integrated circuit, which lays the foundation for high speed computers and large capacity memories.

  • 1960:-

COBOL, a high level business application language, is developed by a committee headed by Dr.Grace Hopper.

  • 1965:-

Dr. John Kemeny of Dartmounth Eads the development of the BASIC programming language. BASIC we be widely used on a P.C

  • 1969:-

The ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) developed by ARPA of the United States Department of Defense was the world’s first operational packet switching network, and the progenitor of the global Internet.\

  • 1971:-

Dr. Ted-Hoff of Intel Corporation develops a microprocessor, or micro programmable computer chip, the Intel 4004.

  • 1975:-

Ethernet, the first Local Area Network (LAN), is developed at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) by Robert Metcalf. The LAN allows computers to communicate and share software, data, and peripherals.

  • 1976:-

Steve Jobs and Steve Woznaik build the 1st Apple Computer. A subsequent version, the Apple II, is an immediate success.

  • 1980:-

IBM offers Microsoft Corporation co-founder, Bill Gates, the opportunity to develop the operating system for the soon-to-be announced IBM personal computer. With the development of MS-DOS, Microsoft achieves tremendous growth and success.

  • 1981:-

The IBM PC is introduced, signalling IBM’s entrance into the personal computer marketplace.

  • 1983:-

Lotus Development Corporation is founded. Lotus 1-2-3 is a spread sheet program from Lotus Software (now part of IBM). It was IBM PC’s 1st killer application; its huge popularity contributed significantly to the success of IBM PC in the corporate environment.

  • 1984:-

Hewlett-Packard announces the 1st Laser Jet printer for personal Computers. Apple introduces the Macintosh computer, which incorporates a unique, easy-to-learn GUI.

  • 1988:-

The Intel 486 becomes the world 1st 1000000 transistor microprocessor. The Intel i486 is a range of 32-bit scalar Intel CISC microprocessors which is part of the Intel x 86 families of processors.

  • 1991:-

WWWC (World Wide Web Consortium) releases standards that describe a framework for linking documents on different computers.

  • 1992:-

The Windows 3.1 family of Microsoft Windows Operating Systems was released. Windows 3.1 offers improvements such as True Type fonts, multimedia capability, and OLE (object linking and embedding).

  • 1994:-

Jim Clark and Marc Andresen found Netscape and launch Nat scope Navigator 1.0, a browser for the World Wide Web.

  • 1995:-

Microsoft releases Windows 95, a major upgrade to its Windows operating system. Windows 95 is a consumer-oriented GUI-based operating system.

  • 1997:-

Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 4.0 and seizes a key place in the Internet arena.

Intel introduces the Pentium II processor with 7.5 million transistors.

  • 1998:-

Microsoft released Windows 98, an upgrade to Windows 95. Windows 98 offers improved Internet access, better system performance and support for a new generation of hardware & software.

Apple Computer introduces the iMac, the next version of its popular Macintosh computer.

  • 1999:-

Intel releases its Pentium III processor, which provides enhanced multimedia capabilities.

Microsoft introduces Office 2000, its premier productivity suite.

  • 2000:-

Microsoft released Windows 2000 and Windows ME. Windows 2000 offers improved behind-the-scene security and reliability. Windows ME also known as Windows Millennium Edition, is a hybrid 16-bit/32-bit graphical operating system and basically designed for home users.

Intel unveils its Pentium 4. Chip with clock speeds starting at 1.4 GHz.

  • 2001:-

Avid readers enjoy e-books, which are digital texts read on compact computer screens.

Microsoft releases major operating system updates with Windows XP for the desktop and servers.

Microsoft introduces Office XP, the next version of the world’s leading suite of productivity software.

  • 2002:-

Microsoft launches its NET strategy, which is a new environment for developing and running software applications featuring ease of development of Web-based services.

  • 2003:-

Wireless computers and devices, such as keyboards, mouse devices, home networks, and public Internet access points become commonplace. Latest operating systems include support for both the Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) and Bluetooth standards.

Computer manufacturers begin shipping the smart display. Smart displays are light weight touch screen monitors that let you use your PC wireless from anywhere in your computer.

  • 2004:-

Flat-panel LCD monitors overtake bulky CRT monitors are popular choice of computer users.

Linux, the open-source operating system, makes major inroads into the server market as a viable alternative to Microsoft Windows, Sun’s Solaris, and UNIX operating systems.

  • 2005:-

Apple releases the latest version of its popular pockets-sized iPod audio player.

Microsoft releases the Xbox 360, its latest game console.

The smart phone overtakes the PDP as the personal mobile device of choice. A smart phone offers a cellular phone, full personal information management and e-mail functionality, a Web browser, ability to listen to music, play video and games, and built-in camera.

  • 2006:-

Microsoft released the latest version of its widely used O.S, Windows Vista. Included with Windows Vista is a new version of the world’s most popular Web Browser, Internet Explorer 7.

Apple beings selling Macintosh computers with Intel microprocessors.

IBM produces the fastest supercomputer called Blue Gene/L. It can perform approximately 28 trillion calculations in the time it takes us to blink our eye, or about one-tenth of a second.

By Mahesh

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