MD (Make Directories):-
This command is used to make or create a new directory.
C:\> MD –Name (Enter)

Dir (Directories):-
This command is used to show the list of Directories, Files and Folders.
C:\>Dir (Enter)

This command is used to rename the directories name.
C:\>Ren-Old Name-New Name (Enter)

RD(Remove Directory):-
This command is used to remove or delete any directory.
C:\>Rd-Name (Enter)

Cls(Clear the Screen):-
This command is used to clear the DOS screen.
C:\>Cls (Enter)

CD(Change Directory)
This command is used to change the directory.
C:\>Cd-Name (Enter)

CD.. :-
We can come out any directory using by this command.
C:\Docoment & Setting\edutecgurus>Cd.. (Enter)

We can go to the root directory using by this command.
C:\Docoment & Setting\edutecgurus>Cd\(Enter)

This command tells us the version of DOS.
C:\>Ver (Enter)

This command tells us the volume label of any drive.
C:\>Vol (Enter)

This command tells us the memory status of our current drive.
C:\>Mem (Enter)

ChkDsk(Check Disk):-
This command checks the hard disk, drive and displays the problems.
C:\>Chkdsk (Enter)

This command displays the current date. In addition we can change, insert the new date also.
C:\>Date (Enter)

This command displays the current time. In addition we can change, Insert the new time also.
C:\Time (Enter)

Copy Con:-
A new file is created by using this command, to save the file; press ctrl+z or F6.
C:\>Copy Con-Name.txt (Enter)
–Write something on this page.—

Note:-The file name (Name.txt) has two parts.
i. Primary file name (Raj),
ii. Secondary file name (.Txt).

We can change after the content of any fie by using this command.
C:\Edit-File Name (Enter)
–Something writes in a new page.—
File→Save→Ok (To Save)
File→Exit→Ok (To Exit).

We can see the matter of any file by using this command.
C:\>Type-File Name (Enter)

Del (Delete):-
We can delete any file using by this command.
C:\>Del-File Name (Enter)

Attrib +H:-
We can hide any file using by this command, so that file is not displayed in the list.
C:\>Attrib +H—File Name (Enter)

Attrib –H:-
We can unhide any hide file using by this command, so that hidden file starts showing in the list.
C:\>Attrib –H – File Name (Enter)

Attrib +R:-
We can make any file a read only file by using this command.
C:\>Attrib +R – File Name (Enter)

Attrib – R:-
We can convert any read only file into a general fie, so that file, we can start editing in the file.
C:\>Attrib –R – File Name (Enter)

We can Colour our text and background by using command.
C:\>Color-“Colour Code” (Enter)

Colour Code:-
0-Black, 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Aqua, 4-Red, 5-Purple, 6-Yellow, 7-White, 8-Gray, 9-Light Blue, A-Light Green, B-Light Aqua, C-Light Red, D-Light Purple, E-Light Yellow, F-Light White.

To create many directories at a time:-
C:\>Md-1st name\2nd \3rd \4th \5th \6th name (Enter)

This command is used to show the structure of the current directory or all directories.
C:\> Tree (Enter)
C:\edutecgurus>Tree (Enter)

We can copy any file into the folder using by this command.
C:\>Copy-1st Location (C:\) File Name (Raj.txt) – 2nd Location (C:\)Folder Name(edutecgurus) (Enter)

We can move any file into the folder using by this command.
C:\>Move-1st Location (C:\)File Name(Raj.txt)- 2nd Location (C:\)Folder Name(edutecgurus) (Enter)

This command is used to copy multiple files into a folder.
C:\>Xcopy-1st Location(C:\)Folder Name(where multiple file is located)- 2nd Location(C:\)Another Folder (Enter)

It is used to show the list of directories and files in “Page Wise”.
C:\>Dir/P (Enter)

This command can show the list of directories and files in “Width Wise”.
C:\>Dir/W (Enter)

This command can search any fie, that we search.
C:\>Dir/S (Enter)

This command can search the list of files according to their size.
C:\>Dir/OS (Enter)

This command searches the list of files according to their name in “Ascending Order”.
C:\>Dir/ON (Enter)

This command searches the list of files according to their name in “Deseeding Order”.
C:\>Dir/O-N (Enter)

This command is used to show the list of files according into extension name (Ascending Order).
C:\>Dir/OE (Enter)

This command is used to show the list of files according into extension name (Deseeding Order).
C:\>Dir/O-E (Enter)

This command is used to exit the DOS window.
C:\>Exit (Enter)

By Mahesh

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