History & Evolution of computer:-

Charles Babbage, a 19th century professor at Cambridge University in United Kingdom (UK), is considered the Father of Modern Digital Computer. During this period, mathematical and statistical tables were prepared by the group of Clerks.

In 1842 Babbage came up with his new idea of Analytical Engine, which was planned to be completely automatic. This machine was capable of performing basic arithmetic functions, but these machines were difficult to manufacture.

The following is a brief description of the generation of computers:-

  1. Mark -I Computer (1937-44):-

This was the 1st fully automatically calculation machine designed by Howard A.Aiken, in this machine both Mechanical & Electronic components were used. Its Internal operations were automatically control.

  1. ABC (1939-42):-

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)was developed by Dr. John V. Atanasoff & Cliffored Berry to solve certain mathematical equations. It used 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for Storage.

  1. ENIAC(1943-46):-

The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was first electronic computer developed for military requirements and it was used for many years to solve Ballistic Problems.

  1. EDVAC(1946-52):-

One of the drawbacks of ENIAC was that its programs wired on boards, which made it difficult to change them. The overcome the drawback of ENIAC, the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) was designed. The basic idea behind this concept was that sequences of instructions could be stored in the memory of the computer for automatically direction the flow of operations.

  1. EDSAC (1947-49):-

It is developed by Professor Maurice and was called Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator by which Addition and Multiplication operations could be to complete successfully.

  1. UNIVAC I (1951):-

The Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) was the 1st digital computer to be installed in the Census Bureau in 1951 and it was used continuously for 10 years. In 1952, International Business Machine (IBM) introduced the 701 commercial computers. These computers could be used for scientific and   business purpose.

By Mahesh

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